Siphon-type toilet good or bad siphon toilet use matters needing attention

In our bathroom, the toilet occupies a very important role and it is also indispensable. It is directly related to whether the sanitary area is critical and will directly affect our physical health. The first thing we should look for when purchasing a toilet is its pumping method. Currently, there are mainly straight flush and siphon. Well siphon toilet will not it? Today, Xiao Bian came to talk with you about the siphon-type toilet and the siphon-type toilet use precautions related knowledge, together to understand it!

Siphonic toilet is good

From the perspective of various pumping methods, the current siphon type will be better, and it is also a popular type. It is characterized by a large water tank and a relatively large body. The sewage outlet is small and round. The slope is long and oblique, and the internal discharge pipe is in an S-shaped distribution. It is characterized by low noise when flushing, large pumping force and good siphon effect. Prices are generally more expensive than straight flush toilets.

Siphonic toilet use precautions

1, flush the toilet to cover

After people use the toilet, only a small number of people will cover the toilet lid and flush the toilet. In fact, this approach is necessary and scientifically based. This is because we are flushing the toilet immediately. Vortex power can force small particles in excrement to swivel into the air more than 6 meters. These bacterial substances will stay in the air for several hours, and eventually fall into towels, toothbrushes, and cups, causing contamination of the toiletries. Therefore, when flushing, be sure to cover the lid first and then press the flush valve.

2, toilet seat bacteria to focus on cleaning

Usually, when we do cleaning, the toilet seat should be particularly clean. This location is not only the place we normally use directly in contact with our skin, but it is also where there is a lot of bacteria. The survey found that 32% of the toilets had dysentery bacilli, while the “Song of” Shigella could survive for up to 17 days on the toilet seat. Many people like to put a flannel washer on the toilet in the winter so that they are more likely to absorb, trap, and discharge pollutants, which is more likely to spread diseases. Therefore, the toilet seat should be cleaned, and apply a diluted household disinfectant about every one or two days.

3, do not dump leftovers, etc. into the toilet

Some owners have poured soup leftovers into the toilet in order to facilitate the drawing. In fact, such an approach is undesirable. The oil in the soup is easily stained on the wall of the toilet and is not easy to clean. It is easy to form dirt for a long time. It may even result in poor flushing of the toilet or clogging of the water channel, thus affecting the beauty and service life of the toilet. At the same time, rinsing leftovers is also likely to cause waste of water, or it is appropriate to throw leftovers into garbage bags and throw them away.

4, the toilet in the dirt timely cleaning

After we go to the toilet, its inner wall is sometimes stained with some excrement and other dirt. Even if we flush the water with force, we must remove it with a special brush in time, or it will be easy to form a yellow spot for a long time. Stains will also breed molds and bacteria.

Xiao Bian's words: In general, this type of toilet has its own advantages and disadvantages, and there are many types of toilets on the market, so we have to choose according to their actual situation when buying. The above is Xiaobian and everyone to explain the siphon-type toilet and siphon-type toilet use precautions related knowledge, and hope to give you some reference! More related content, you can pay attention to Qijia information, follow-up will present more exciting content!

Siphonic toilet is good

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