Root-feeding and fertilizer control for rice pests and diseases

1. Rice blast disease B spray powder method: In the early stage of the disease, 40 kg of grass ash per 667 square meters, 15 kg of quicklime powder, 0.5 kg of sulphur powder, mix well, sieve, when the dew of the japonica rice is not dry, use the duster Sprinkle on the leaves. It has not only applied fertilizer, but also prevented rice blast, and also cured bacterial blight. Spray method: In the early stage of the disease, spraying the volume of Bordeaux mixture and adding 1% ammonium molybdate can not only alleviate the damage of rice blast, but also prevent and cure molybdenum deficiency in rice, and cure the leaf spot of flax; It can also treat leaf blight, rice leaf black powder and so on. Using spray method to control rice blast, it can also use 250-300 grams of 60-degree liquor per 667 square meters, 15 kilograms to 20 kilograms of water, and 0.5 kilograms of urea with a biuret content of less than 0.5%. After the urea is completely dissolved, it is sprayed, and sprayed 2 to 3 times during the onset of the disease, each interval of 3 to 5 days.

2. White leaf blight. At the beginning of the disease, 30 kg of grass ash and 10 kg of lime per 667 square meters are used according to the above-mentioned powder spraying method to treat bacterial blight and treat rice blast; or use 2.5 kg to 3 kg of tea seed cake per 667 square meters. Water 5 kg ~ 7.5 kg, soak for 48 hours, take the filtrate plus water 50 kg ~ 75 kg spray.

3. Leaf sheath spoilage. From the booting of the rice to the beginning of the ear, every 667 square meters with 29 grams of "92", plus 150 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, spray 50 kg of water.

4. Red blight. Phosphorus-deficient red blight: In the early stage of the disease, spray 2% superphosphate soaked and filtered. Potassium deficiency type blight: Spray 1% potassium chloride solution at the time of onset, or spray 30% of grass wood gray water. For these two types of red wilt disease, as long as the phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are sprayed in time, the phenomenon of dead seedlings naturally disappears, and the rice seedlings can also take off the "red cherry hat".

5. Reduce the disease. It is caused by zinc deficiency, and it occurs mostly in saline-alkali land, newly opened paddy fields, and water-and-dry crops. It often occurs 15 to 20 days after transplanting. Rice fields that are prone to stagnation in normal years can be sprayed twice with 0.1% zinc sulphate before creping, and 50 kg per 667 square meters of sputum. If you miss the opportunity, you can also spray 75kg of 0.1%-0.3% zinc sulphate per 667 square meters during the tillering period; if you add 5ml of foliar treasure, the effect is better.

6. Boron deficiency. 100g of synergistic boron fertilizer per 667 square meters, spray 50kg of water; if there is no synergistic boron fertilizer, the borax can also be dissolved with warm water first, then 0.1%~0.2% concentration, in the heading and filling stage Spray once. In the autumn, if the low temperature is unfavorable, the rice grouting knot should be sprayed with 50 kg of boron fertilizer per 667 square meters, which can increase the seed setting rate and increase the yield and quality.

7. Inaba. Before the closure of Putian or Honda, if the rice leaf mites are harmful, the rice seedlings are thinner. When topdressing is required, 40% of the 167 square meters of ergosaccharide emulsion can be used in 100-150 grams, 75 kilograms of water, plus urea 0.5 kilograms to 0.75. Kilograms (or 1 kg of ammonium nitrate), 1 kg of superphosphate, mixed spray. It can also take 1 kilogram of fresh urine or bovine urine, 50 grams of tung oil or diesel, 50 grams of washing powder, fully blended into a mixture of urine oil, add water 20 kg to 30 kg spray, attending leaf mites, and treating humulus.

8. Insect horses. 100 grams of crystal trichlorfon per 667 square meters, 75 kilograms of water (weak seedling plus urea 0.75 kg ~ 1 kg, strong seedling plus urea 0.5 kg, superphosphate 1 kg, Wang Miao plus superphosphate 1 kg, potassium chloride 0.5 Kilograms), made into a mixture spray. It can also be sprayed with a 2% urea solution (or an appropriate concentration of ammonia or ammonium bicarbonate solution) when the pests such as thrips occur, and sprayed once every 7 days for 2 to 3 times.

9. Rice planthopper. Take 5 kg of tea seed cake, crush it into powder, and soak for 50 hours with 50 kg of water. After filtration, 4 kg of fresh bovine urine was added, mixed and sprayed, and various pests such as leaf mites were treated. Or 50 kg of buffalo urine, 5 kg of bitter buckwheat leaves and willow leaves, mixed and fermented for 5 days, filtered to obtain mother liquor, and 10 kg of water spray per 1 kg of mother liquor.

10. Rice borers, rice borers. Buffalo urine 50 kg, 80% ~ 90% trichlorfon 100 grams, mixed into a mother liquor, add 6.5 kg per 1 kg of mother liquor, stir and spray on rice leaf surface. Indications for rice borers, rice borers, and the treatment of rice leaf roller, dragonfly and so on.

Source: "New Rural Technology"
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