Remedy for trace element deficiency in corn

Maize deficiency and remedy

In the absence of manganese, the young leaves turn yellow, and the leaves appear stellate yellowish fish streaks parallel to the veins, while the veins remain green, and the yellow stripes gradually expand to form variegated spots, and the leaves are soft and drooping.
Remedy. Foliar application of 0.05%~0.1% manganese sulfate solution, once every 5~7 days, even spray 2 times, about 50 kg per 667m2 spray solution.

Maize Borosis and Remedy Boron Symptoms Young leaves are weak and do not develop, and white tissue appears. The leaves are prone to death, with white streaks between the leaves of the old leaves; the plants grow thin and short.
Remedy. Spray the boron fertilizer solution 2~3 times on the leaf surface, spray once every 10 days, and spray 0.2% boric acid 50 kg per 667m2 each time.

Zinc deficiency in maize and remedy Zinc deficiency symptoms The plants develop slowly and the internodes become shorter. Zinc deficiency in the seedling stage and pre-growth stage, the lower part of the new leaf is light yellow or even white, zinc is deficient in the middle and late growth stages, the silking period of the ear is delayed and the tasseling period is delayed, and the ear is short of seed baldness.
Remedy. Foliar spray 0.1%~0.2% zinc sulphate solution 2~3 times, spray once every 7~10 days, about 50 kg per 667m2 spray fertilizer.
Huaxian Agricultural Technology Promotion Center Lu Shuguang
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