Knowledge and treatment of six major trace element deficiency syndromes in cotton

First, zinc deficiency. Starting from the first true leaf, the young leaves are bluish-colored, and the veins are obviously chlorotic, thicker, brittle and brittle. The leaf edge curls upwards. The leaves are shortened, the plants are short and clumpy, the growth is blocked, the bells are delayed, and the buds are easy to fall off. Symptoms are prone to occur on old leaves during flowering and bolling.
Inducing conditions: The application of phosphate fertilizer is large, and the application of excessive nitrogen fertilizer will lead to the shortage of effective zinc in the soil. Fertilization method: 1 kg of zinc sulphate mixed with 10~15 kg of fine dry soil in the sloping field before or at the seedling stage (be careful not to mix with urea, and pay attention to avoid using zinc sulphate as the zinc fertilizer); It can be used in the United Kingdom to import 70% "Kingfolzinc" 3000 times solution, or 25% "Power Zinc" 1000 times solution, spray once in the seedling stage and the bud stage.
Second, the lack of boron. In the seedling stage and bud stage, there are manifestations, mainly the thickening and brittleness of the leaves, the dark green and dull, the growth point of the main stem is damaged, the axillary buds are clustered, and the upper leaves are atrophied. It was severely shed during the bud-bell period, "buds are not flowers", and flowering is difficult to become peach, but the disease first appeared on the leaves. In the case of potential boron deficiency, there may be a link on the petiole. Symptoms are prone to occur in buds to flowering new tissue.
Induced conditions: soil with less organic matter, sandy soil, soil with poor water retention and water retention, and long-term persistent drought and excessive rain, easy to induce boron deficiency.
Fertilization method: 200 grams of “Granubor” imported from the United States is used as the bottom. Or use 20.5% of imported "Solubor" (Solubor), or 20.5% "power boron" 1000 times solution, spray once in the bud period, early flowering period, flower and bell period.
Third, manganese deficiency. The young leaves first appear thick green and light green stripes between the veins, and the middle of the leaves is more obvious than the tip of the leaves. The tip of the leaf is light green at first, and some small patches are present in the white stripe. Later, the strips of dry tissue are connected and the leaves are longitudinally split. Symptoms are likely to occur in the upper part of the bud and in the upper part of the flowering plant and in the young leaves.
Inducing conditions: PH 7, high sand content, low organic matter content of the effective manganese content is low, too much rain is easy to leaching.
Fertilization method: spraying manganese (Mn) foliar fertilizer with 0.2% manganese sulfate, or 800 times potassium permanganate, or 600 times “green leaf”, spraying once in seedling stage, early flowering stage and flowering and ringing stage .
Fourth, lack of moxibustion. The old leaves are chlorotic, the plants are short, the leaves are curled, the leaves are deformed, and they are dry and fall off. Sometimes it causes symptoms of nitrogen deficiency, buds, flowers fall off, and premature aging of plants. Symptoms are prone to occur in the new tissue of the plant from seedling to bud.
Induced conditions: a large amount of phosphate fertilizer, sulfur-containing fertilizer, and excessive application of manganese fertilizer.
Fertilization method: spraying with 0.05% to 0.1% ammonium molybdate solution 2 to 3 times, or a foliar fertilizer containing molybdenum (Mo) such as "E-conductor".
Five, copper deficiency. The plants are short and chlorotic, and the tops of the plants are sometimes clustered. In severe cases, the top ends die. Moreover, copper deficiency in copper is susceptible to various diseases. Symptoms are prone to occur in new tissue of plants.
Inducing conditions: low organic matter content, alkaline soil, and reduced effectiveness of copper; excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer can also cause copper deficiency.
Fertilization method: 0.2 to 1 kg of copper sulfate is used, and 10 to 15 kg of fine dry soil is uniformly applied before ploughing; foliar spraying can be carried out with 0.02% copper sulphate or 600 times "green revolution" and the like (including copper) Cu) Foliar fertilizer, sprayed once at the seedling stage and before flowering.
Sixth, iron deficiency. It is characterized by “greenness” or “chlorosis”. At the beginning, the young leaves are green and the veins remain green. Afterwards, they are completely chlorotic. Sometimes, the whole leaves are yellowish white. The stalks are short and thin, and many new leaves are chlorotic, and the old leaves can still remain green. Symptoms are prone to new leaves.
Induced conditions: the content of phosphorus, zinc, manganese and copper in the soil is too high, the potassium content is too low, the soil is sticky, the water saturation is high, and the use of nitrate nitrogen fertilizer will aggravate iron deficiency.
Fertilization method: 5 to 10 kg of ferrous sulfate is applied to the bottom, and the leaf surface spraying can use 600 times of "green leaf" and other iron (Fe) foliar fertilizer.
Huaxian County Liu Xiuling
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