Safety locks are more expensive to buy and maintain

Safety locks are more expensive to buy and maintain

First, the purchase of security locks

The concept of security locks has entered the domestic market for a short period of time. The products of security locks on the market are also uneven and varied. Many companies' procurement personnel are at a loss when selecting security locks. Therefore, users should choose high reputation and long history. Brands or brand agents, because they have enough economic strength and a stable network system to protect the service and after-sale, to avoid disputes caused by product quality problems.

1, see the surface treatment status

Locks are usually electroplated, sprayed, or colored before they leave the factory. These steps are beneficial to the lock itself, because after this series of treatments, a protective film is formed on the surface of the lock, which can play a role in preventing corrosion and oxidation. . Through this point, users can directly measure the quality of locks.

2, 掂 weight than feel

Locks that cut corners and materials are generally made of hollow inferior materials, which not only make them lighter, but also have a poor feel when used.

3, see the safety standards

There are very strict standards for hardware locks at home and abroad. Small manufacturers will not perform according to standards in order to save costs, and big brands generally comply with standards.

Second, the safety lock maintenance

1, the lock can not be exposed to rain for a long time, falling rain contains **, ** salt, will erode locks.

2, always keep the lock clean, do not let the foreign body into the lock cylinder, resulting in difficult opening or even unable to open.

3. Inject lubricating oil, graphite powder or pencil powder regularly to the lock cylinder to help reduce the oxide layer left over for a long time.

4. Pay attention to the thermal expansion and contraction caused by the weather (wet in spring and dry in winter) to ensure that the lock body itself and the key's clearance are properly matched to ensure that the lock is used smoothly.

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