Will you pick lamps? The seven misunderstandings of home lighting

Luminaires are an indispensable lighting tool in people’s lives. It not only brings light to people, but also adjusts the atmosphere in the room. However, if the luminaire is not picked well or used without attention, it will bring light pollution to us and affect our health. Visual fatigue, visual recession, dizziness in mind ... These are all closely related to the purchase and use of lamps. Many people will enter into some self-righteous misunderstandings when purchasing, which leads to light pollution in life.

Misunderstanding 1: Home environment lighting brightness is too high or too low

The brightness of indoor lighting directly determines the indoor lighting environment. We all know that a too dark environment is not conducive to our identification of objects and the environment, but too bright lighting can also affect our lives.

Some people like to create a feeling of lighting in the interior, use a lot of lamps to provide a very bright environment, and some users like the low-key feeling, the indoor light only provides low-light lighting, these practices will be our Eye muscles can cause stress and cause visual fatigue, which is undesirable.

For home lighting, the different functional areas require different brightness. The living room needs to receive guests and provide an overall bright environment; the study should provide a bright environment for reading; the restaurant provides lighting for the dining environment, which requires a high brightness.

The main function of the bedroom is to provide rest, and its brightness should not be too high, which can create a more suitable environment for rest. Kitchens and bathrooms do not require much lighting. Lighting can also be used with lighter fixtures.

In addition, it should also be noted that although different spaces are suitable for different brightness, different rooms should not have too much light and dark changes. When our eyes switch between different brightness, the eye muscles need to be adjusted to adapt to the environment. Can easily cause visual fatigue. In this way, we will not feel uncomfortable when entering different rooms.

In general, the brightness of the indoor lighting should be kept soft and even, providing higher brightness in the living room, study and dining room, and providing lower brightness in the bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. There should not be a big difference in brightness. Can create a suitable and energy-saving lighting for us.

Lamp lighting

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